Artist philosophy
As a musician, I feel most effective when I connect with another artist to produce a more complete sound. As a collaborative pianist, my role is often a supporting one. In music and in life, communication and cooperation are important to me. I want to understand another’s values and be inspired by their artistry while discovering how they fit with my own. This makes us stronger performers and more effective as artists. Connecting musically in a way that feels seamless, authentic and unified is my highest aspiration. As an artist, I especially enjoy opportunities to engage in dialogue about equality and issues I am passionate about, such as the environment and social justice, through our collective music making and sharing. My goal as an artist and educator is to inspire others towards higher potentials - my students, music partners and our audience.
Performance and teaching artist engagements
My experience includes roles as choir director; choir accompanist; musical theatre director; classroom music teacher; organist/pianist for church services, weddings, memorial services; chamber musician; chamber music coach; vocal coach/accompanist; solo instrumental coach/accompanist. I am delighted to serve in all of these capacities.
Please contact me for hiring policies.
“Music was invented because it does something to create community ...
The actual purpose of music is an offering. It’s a service ...
But the very basic core of it is the neighborliness, the action that you give to someone because you have something that you want to offer it. That’s something that is so incredibly human that we never want to lose that.”